
Become part of our team

Trai­ning at


For­men­tech­nik Bayreuth

Apply quickly and easily online

Thank you for your inte­rest in an app­ren­ti­ce­ship with us. Please fill out the fol­lo­wing short form. If you have any dif­fi­cul­ties uploa­ding your details, please send an email to

Are you about to gra­duate from school and wish to set the course for your future now? Are you dis­sa­tis­fied with the pro­fes­sion you have lear­ned and would like to start a second app­ren­ti­ce­ship? Would you like to learn an exci­ting and varied job in a great team at a modern company?

In this case, apply for an app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a Tool Mecha­nic (m/​f/​d) spe­cia­li­zing in mold tech­no­logy. We look for­ward to recei­ving your application.

  • if you com­ple­ted a middle school lea­ving cer­ti­fi­cate or qua­li­fy­ing lower secon­dary school lea­ving certificate
  • if you pos­sess tech­ni­cal under­stan­ding, manual dex­terity and a good perception
  • if are no stran­ger to care and accuracy
  • if you enjoy working in a young and moti­va­ted team

Does that sound just like you? Then don’t hesi­tate – Apply now for a fun app­ren­ti­ce­ship and get into top pro­fes­sio­nal shape with us!

Would you like more infor­ma­tion about the app­ren­ti­ce­ship? Then down­load our Q&A with just one click, or take a look at our social media chan­nels on Insta­gram and Facebook.

We look for­ward to mee­ting you!

App­ren­ti­ce­ship advertisement

Down­load the app­ren­ti­ce­ship advertisement 
or click on the image.

Q&A App­ren­ti­ce­ship

Down­load the Q&A Apprenticeship 
or click on the image.

Video Apprenticeships

Die For­men­tech­nik
intro­du­ces itself

For­men­tech­nik Bay­reuth GmbH is a spe­cia­list in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of injec­tion molds.

Play Video

Aus­bil­dung bei
der For­men­tech­nik

Being an app­ren­tice at Formentechnik.

Play Video
Audio Apprenticeships


Top in Form!”

Hip-​Hop Version 
By: For­men­tech­nik /​ Made with “Suno”
Rock Version 
By: For­men­tech­nik /​ Made with “Suno”

Col­la­bo­ra­tive app­ren­ti­ce­ship – A supra-​regional top performance

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