Enga­ge­ment & Sponsoring

Com­mit­ments & Sponsoring

SpVgg Ober­fran­ken Bayreuth

Many of our employees and busi­ness part­ners are soc­cer fans, and enjoy atten­ding SpVgg Bay­reuth soc­cer matches. This is why we have been sup­port­ing the tra­di­tio­nal soc­cer club, SpVgg Ober­fran­ken Bay­reuth, affec­tion­a­tely known as “Die Oldschdod” among fans, for many years now. The aim is to pro­mote new talent in order to enrich the exis­ting team with excep­tio­nal ath­le­tes for the future.

SPVGG Logo Spielvereinigung Bayreuth

SpVgg Ober­fran­ken Bay­reuth

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