For­men & Werkzeuge

for pla­s­tics processing


Group of companies

We have been inde­pen­dent on the mar­ket since April 1991, and in the clas­si­cal sense always clo­sely con­nec­ted with Schlae­ger Kunststoff­technik GmbH as a sys­tem sup­plier for actua­tor and sen­sor tech­no­logy in auto­mo­tive engi­nee­ring, the nucleus of our acti­vi­ties. Tog­e­ther we meet cur­rent and future requi­re­ments in the auto­mo­tive and medi­cal sec­tors for pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment, design and cal­cu­la­ti­ons, tool­ma­king for win­ding sup­ports, over­mol­ding and multi-​cavity tools, as well as all the spe­cial tools, devices and hand­ling com­pon­ents that fit this portfolio.

Repairs, over­hauls and our change ser­vice round off the suc­cessful coope­ra­tion bet­ween the two companies.

Mar­ket position

A play­ground for specialists

For more than 30 years, For­men­tech­nik Bay­reuth has been ser­ving the pla­s­tics pro­ces­sing indus­try in the field of tool and mold making. Clas­sic mold making its­elf is beco­ming a pro­fit cen­ter for cus­to­mers. With its human resour­ces, pre­mium machi­nery, tech­ni­cal equip­ment and modern pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties, For­men­tech­nik Bay­reuth knows how to pro­duce tools and molds of out­stan­ding quality.

State-​of-​the-​art equip­ment is our mini­mum requi­re­ment for pro­duc­tion. For­men­tech­nik Bayreuth’s aim is to pro­duce tools that meet cus­to­mer requi­re­ments in terms of dimen­sio­nal accu­racy, com­po­nent qua­lity, dura­bi­lity and ease of main­ten­ance. Spe­cial and opti­mally adapted mate­rial com­bi­na­ti­ons, coa­tings, spe­cial tem­pe­ring, energy-​optimized tool con­cepts and all tool-​related ser­vices can be obtai­ned from For­men­tech­nik Bayreuth.

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