In good shape – Mol­ding technology

Auto­mo­tive, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, elec­tri­cal and medi­cal technology


Deve­lo­p­ment and production

We are a sys­tem sup­plier for the hig­hest dif­fi­culty levels in the range up to 3,000 kilo­grams tool weight in 1- and 2‑component tech­no­logy for the auto­mo­tive, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, elec­tri­cal and medi­cal tech­no­logy indus­tries. Our incen­tive is to pro­duce 32-​cavity and 64-​cavity series molds whilst retai­ning par­ti­cu­larly high uni­for­mity amongst the large num­ber of cavi­ties, or to form the 250-​gram housing frame with as little dis­tor­tion as pos­si­ble through inno­va­tive mold coo­ling. We are equally com­mit­ted to mas­te­ring the back-​injection of alu­mi­num, car­bon and wood panels or the inser­tion of boards for over­mol­ding in tools with sharp-​edged embed­dings, wit­hout embos­sing when clo­sing the tool.

For­men­tech­nik Bay­reuth GmbH is a spe­cia­list in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of injec­tion molds. We offer our cus­to­mers the grea­test pos­si­ble bene­fit from the molds manu­fac­tu­red at our com­pany. Sin­gle and multi-​cavity tools, injec­tion and over­mol­ding tools with com­plex inserts, tools for injection-​molded seals, val­ves and pis­tons, pre­cis­ion medi­cal tech­no­logy parts, tools for high-​temperature mate­ri­als, con­nec­tors and cable over­mol­ding. Injec­tion weights from 0.02 grams to 570 grams can be pro­ces­sed in the indi­vi­du­ally manu­fac­tu­red tool.

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