
We make a difference


If you want to make a difference …

… you need to get up early! That’s our creed at kick-​off mee­tings for cus­to­mer pro­jects. Par­al­lel to the tool design, cal­cu­la­ti­ons and simu­la­ti­ons are alre­ady being pre­pared, hotrun­ners reques­ted and spe­cial tool tech­no­lo­gies che­cked. Pro­duc­tion in the depart­ments beg­ins fol­lo­wing a final design mee­ting. The orde­ring of stan­dard and spe­cial parts takes place in par­al­lel with the pro­gram crea­tion for the plan­ned machine tools and the machi­ning cell.

During the pro­duc­tion of the indi­vi­dual parts, the first com­pon­ents are alre­ady joi­ned and pre­pared for final assem­bly. The finis­hed tool is then imme­dia­tely made available for your series sys­tem for the pro­duc­tion of the first parts. Article mea­su­re­ment and final tool cor­rec­tions are then car­ried out to bring the tool into ‘top form’.

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